Where it all started.

Hi! I’m Katie. I’m so happy you’re here! We may not know each other well yet, but one of the first things you’ll pick up on pretty quickly (if you haven’t already) is that I have a deep passion for wellness. Here’s why:

I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I was a diver starting at the age of 13 and would compete all around the country. I ended up getting a college scholarship for diving but I suffered from a back injury my freshman year and was forced to quit. I was quite literally trained to believe my body was where my value lived, so I was devastated when I couldn’t continue. I got so angry at my body for not performing and I spent the next several years chasing an idea of perfection to “fix” myself instead of listening to what my body really needed. During that time I also went to culinary school in Florence (yes, it was as magical as it sounds) and gained a deep appreciation for good food and cooking. I was torn between enjoying really delicious food and trying to eat “perfect”. I ultimately decided that eating what I thought was healthy to chase an ideal image was more important than eating what I wanted, so I often deprived myself. 

“I was trained to believe my body was where my value lived.”

When I moved to Nashville, my unhealthy relationship with food and my body got worse. I started working in the music industry and had to adapt to a fast-paced, unhealthy lifestyle. I was constantly out late and overextending myself, meanwhile ignoring all my body’s signals that I was burning out. I was anxious all the time and didn’t even know it. My skin was breaking out, I had rashes all over my body, my stomach hurt, and I was so fatigued on the weekends that I could barely get out of bed. But I was eating a super clean diet so I didn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling good. I thought eating healthy was enough to keep me healthy. After three years of this, I finally decided to enroll in Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and that’s when everything began to change.



At IIN I really learned how to take a holistic approach to my health. I learned how to really listen to my body and nourish it from the inside out. I let go of the rules I had built around food and instead began eating what my body was craving. I learned how much stress, sleep, mental health, and movement have an impact on our physical health. And most importantly, I started taking care of myself from a place of love instead of a place of shame. I began to give myself grace and truly love my body for all that it is. The anxiety around perfection subsided and I feel like I’ve regained my life.



I’ve learned a lot in the past ten years, and I’m so excited to be able to share what I’ve learned with you. Whether your health journey is similar to mine or looks completely different, I would love to come alongside you and help guide you to where you want to go. We all deserve to feel our best. I can’t wait to help you get there.

Book your free consultation call today!