Health & Grace


A new approach to wellness.

One of the reasons I chose to make the tagline of Well Nourish’d “wellness reimagined” is because I want to approach health & wellness differently than I see it being portrayed in the media. Our health is about so much more than eating clean, working out, and having a self-care routine. I believe it is much more holistic than that. I think we all know that eating well and exercising is an important part of health, but I want to introduce a new concept. A foundation for healthy living that has made a far greater impact on my health than anything I’ve ever eaten. Giving myself grace. I know it may sound counterintuitive, but hear me out.


When I first started on my health journey over ten years ago, I had one goal: perfection. I thought that the epitome of health was looking perfect and eating perfectly all the time. I wasn’t giving myself any room to mess up. If I started a new diet, I had to follow it to a T. If I started a workout plan but missed a day, I felt like a failure. This kind of mindset was paralyzing to me. After a while, I was afraid to commit to anything because I didn’t want to fail. And when I did “fail”, I was subconsciously reminding myself that I would never be able to follow through. It wasn’t a healthy mindset at all, and yet I had no idea I was holding myself to such standards. Sound familiar?

My approach to wellness has radically changed throughout the past few years. Now, I approach it with grace. I give myself permission to not be perfect, and I even encourage it. I want to give you that same permission. I want you to approach your wellness journey with grace and ease. What if there was no shame involved in your journey? No guilt for where you’ve been, just love for where you’re going? I don’t want you to start a diet because you hate how your body looks. I want you to change your lifestyle because you love your body and know what it’s capable of. I want you to exercise because of how it makes you feel, not because you want to look like someone you see on Instagram. I want you to be grateful for all your body has done instead of shaming it for not being enough. Allow yourself to fall off track and don’t get mad at yourself when you do. You’re human. Think of how much easier it will be to get back up if you never knock yourself down in the first place.

I know giving yourself grace is hard. It’s not natural and it feels pretty cheesy. But I truly believe it’s the best approach for sustainable change. Even if you don’t believe it at first, be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be human. This journey is meant to be a way of expressing LOVE for who you are. Because you are so worth treating well. And where there is love, there is grace. So be quick to give yourself abundant amounts of grace. What we focus on grows. And when we focus on being kind to ourselves, we continue to grow into the person we know we can be.

The biggest breakthroughs I’ve seen happen when a client shifts their perspective from using health as a way of punishing themselves to incorporating health & wellness because they love themselves where they’re at and know they’re worthy of it. Giving yourself grace is how you’re going to get there.

I believe in you. And I hope you believe in yourself too.

xoxo Katie

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Hi there, I’m Katie! I am a cat mom, music publisher, and certified health coach. I believe that food is medicine but that our health also goes well beyond what is on our plate. True health is deeply rooted in our mental, physical, relational and spiritual well-being. It is my passion to come alongside you and help guide you to a more healthy, balanced, and nourished life.


Eating Healthy & Dining Out