Eating Healthy & Dining Out

I don’t know about you, but one of the hardest things about coming out of quarantine was getting used to eating out again. My body had adjusted to eating every meal at home and going back out to lunch meetings, coffee meetings, and drinks was a shock to the system. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE eating out at a great restaurant, but all that rich food can be too much sometimes, especially if you work in the entertainment industry like me. Over the years I feel like I’ve learned a really healthy balance between indulging and eating to feel my best and I hope I can pass on a little of that knowledge to you.


    Proper hydration is the easiest, quickest, most cost effective way to feel good. Did you know up to 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? We’re so used to living dehydrated that we don’t even realize how deprived we really are. Proper hydration is essential for the brain to recognize the difference between thirst & hunger, and it’s often the reason our eyes are bigger than our stomachs when we eat out. Obviously this is a simple fix - drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water BEFORE your meal will keep you from giving into unnecessary cravings, regulate your appetite and keep you from over-indulging. Try drinking a full glass of water before your meal arrives and notice the difference in how you feel after. Sometimes the answer really is that simple. 


    This was one of the most important mental shifts that changed my relationship with food. I was so used to restricting that I would only think about the “bad” aspects of a meal - too much salt, don’t add cheese, too many carbs, etc. I was picking apart meals and holding myself to completely unrealistic standards. Instead, now I focus on ADDING nutrients where I can. Ordering pizza? Add veggies on top or have a side salad first. Getting tacos? Try the veggie taco. Ordering a salad? Can you add on avocado, extra veggies or a seed mixture (see point 4)? How we feel about the food we’re eating actually has a huge impact on how we physically feel after a meal - so focus on the good.


    When you begin to focus on the nutrients you are getting, you’ll begin to crowd out the food that isn’t as nourishing to your body. Similar to the point above, we want to focus on nutrient-dense foods first, and then give ourselves a chance to loosen up. When I’m eating out (or even at home) I do my best to focus on nourishing food first: a big salad, lean protein and veggies, whole grains, beans & lentils, etc. and then if I’m still hungry I’ll order a side of fries, a dessert, or a glass of wine. Eating those healthy options first almost serves as a mental safety net so I know I’ve gotten some quality nutrients in my meal before giving into a less-nourishing craving. This way I don’t feel restricted but I’m still getting the nutrients my body needs.


    I almost always carry a bag with some sort of seed mixture in my purse to add onto salads (I love pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and some ground flax seed). It’s so easy to sprinkle this mixture on top of any salad and up the nutritional profile of your meal by adding quality fats, protein and minerals. I also love Mary Ruth Organics liquid supplements -  If I’m at breakfast and ordering a tea I’ll add in some liquid zinc or liquid probiotic for an added boost of immunity & gut health. These are easy ways to do something good for your body without any extra effort!


    Know when it’s time to indulge - and enjoy when you do! Trust yourself and your body to know when it’s time to let loose and when it’s time to be disciplined. Is it your first of three work dinners this week? Maybe take it easy and focus on ordering foods that will keep you energized for the week ahead. Is it a big celebration? Let loose and enjoy! It can take time to learn the balance between when to indulge and when to stay disciplined and we’re never going to get it perfect, so don’t beat yourself up for eating the dessert or having a glass of wine. Fully enjoy it and don’t feel guilty. You can rest easy knowing that you’ve been treating your body well and one meal isn’t going to change that. Sometimes the joy of indulging is the healthiest thing you can do! 


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